Aug 1, 2010

Bretagne or Brittany

We are at home again. We spent our holiday in Brittany, France.
It was wonderful!!!!! :)


  1. Preciosas imagenes!!!!!
    besitos ascension

  2. Ohhhhh you have Shetland Sheepdogs. I had one for 17 years, Cassie, and she was my third child. They are beaut dogs.
    I also make little bears, please join my blog too!

  3. Dear Ascension,
    Thank you for your sweet comment!

  4. Hi Wendy,
    Nice to meet you on my blog! I saw your bears on Teddy Talk. They are so sweet! My favorite is Romeo. :)
    I've just joined your blog! :)
    Bear hugs,

  5. Hi you!

    Nice to see you enjoyed my birth place! I was born in Brittany in Brest and lived in Brittany until 1999.

    Big bear hugs,

  6. Hi Sophie!

    I'm sure you had wonderful childhood in Brittany!
    We spent 3 weeks there but it wasn't enough. So many beautiful colors, castles, flowers, etc...

    Big bear hugs,
    Judit :D

  7. Liebe Judit,
    das sind ja wieder tolle Fotos! Deine Hunde sehen auch so toll aus- vielleicht sollten wir unsere Hunde mal kreuzen *Spaß* :-)
    Komm doch mal auf meinen Blog vorbei, da wartet was auf dich.
    Viele liebe Grüße

  8. Hi Judit,
    I have joined to follow you. At first it was because I saw the sheltie... We lost ours just one month ago and our household is "Devastated"... He was everyone's best friend and we are letting a little time pass before we get our new sheltie puppy. The heartbreak that occured when he died is like loosing a family member(I'm sure you know my pain at this time).. Your dogs are beautiful and "AT the moment" I'm sad to see them, BUT still I LOVE the breed, AND I'm getting there... OK now I want to tell you I AM a bear collector and yours are "WONDERFUL"... I LOVE character in my bears and I see it in your work. Where are you located????? I'm in Connecticut in the USA.

  9. Liebe Judit,
    klar kannst du meine Hunde auf deinem Blog zeigen :-) Darüber wäre ich sehr stolz.
    Darf ich auch mal deine bei mir zeigen? :-)
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  10. It looks like you had a wonderful time! I went camping in Brittany for a few weeks when I was a kid and it was the best family holiday EVER. I've longed to return since but I don't drive so that's been kinda holding me back. I even have a bottle of wine buried in a field there, just about to mature. A local farmer who's field we were spending the night in made it with me and my sister. Now if only I could remember which field... :)

  11. I love your dogs, they are soooo cute!! Next time I will have a Sheltie! In the past I grow up and live whith Collies.


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